As most of us already know, communicating isn’t always as easy as taking turns while we calmly speak and listen to each other.
ADHD and Weight Gain
In health and fitness, it is important to remember that we each have our own factors that contribute to where we are and which path we choose to take. For that reason, we have to keep in mind that there is no one size fits all approach.
Before You Go “No Contact”…
When we remove ourselves from a toxic situation, it is for self-preservation —not punishing the other person. So, before you initiate the No Contact Rule, make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons.
Do You Want to Be Healed?
There will be times when we find ourselves in comfort zones that are similar to just lying there, like the man in John 5…unable to move. But, as Christians, we are all called to walk —in the Spirit.
Intentional Stress Control
One lesson that I’ve learned, repeatedly, is that life is too short to waste on things that ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, don’t matter.
Unhealthy Relationships: Why We Stay
After a lot of self-help books and many therapy sessions, I realized that I wasn’t emotionally available to myself. In fact, I often invalidated or minimized my own feelings.